So, this morning, I drove a youngish white couple to the airport. Conversation revealed that they have two teenage children, I think a boy and a girl. I discovered a surprising difference of opinion between the two regarding the recent presidential election. Interestingly, it was the red-haired husband who is skeptical of Trump, while the Mediterranean wife is relieved at the outcome.
I asked her what did she expect from another term from President Trump. She immediately replied “Law and order.”
Taken aback, I asked her, “You expect law and order from a convicted felon??”
She was dismissive of the convictions, claiming that Democrats are merely better at getting away with their crimes.
The man seemed to have recovered from any serious alarm he may have experienced upon learning the results. He seems to have quickly accepted the results as free and fair, and he emphasized the need to regroup and do better in in two and four years.
Although the two seem to accept their domestic political differences, the man seemed more comfortable to discuss the tragic conflict in the holy land. Although he claimed to have friends in both Jewish and Arab villages in Israel, he perceived the conflict in clear, binary terms of Good vs Evil. Hamas, in his view, is unequivocally Evil and must be destroyed because it has no regard for either peace or the Palestinian people. To his credit, he also condemned the Israeli settlements in the West Bank.